
The Chasa Diala is situated in Scuol in the canton of Grisons in Switzerland. To help you enjoy the journey, you will find the Chasa Diala on google maps together with its journey planner at.

Schinnas Sot 826, CH-7550 Scuol

Journey by car:

Place of Departure Time of Travel
St. Moritz about 50-60 min
Chur about 1h 20 min
Zurich about 2h 10 min
Berne about 3h 15 min
Basel about 2h 50 min

If you use the Vereina motorail train Scuol is easy to reach even during winter time. Here you will find more information about the motorail train Vereina: Autoverlad durch den Vereina Tunnel

Parking facilities

Our guests may use two garages and two parking lots.

Journey by train:

Place of Departure Time of Travel
St. Moritz about 1h 20 min
Chur about 1h 55 min
Zurich about 2h 40 min
Berne about 3h 45 min
Basel about 3h 45 min

The SBB website provides timetables and other information about the Swiss railway.